Monday, August 25, 2014

Blog Post 1

What about EDM 310

My first day in EDM310 was scary, there are several things I do not understand. I have heard of blogging and HTML, but did not know what they were. Now I understand a little of what a blog is. HTML that is another story, it is a whole new language for me. I think the hardest issue for me, will be trying to express my thoughts on paper. Another issue would be missing a concept or getting behind in the course. I think the best way for me to overcome my fear is to ask the instructors questions and do research on the subject. Right now I do not have any questions, but I am sure I will in the future.


  1. I was also very nervous coming into EDM 310. Although I think I've got the hang of things now, I was completely lost on the first day of class. I completely agree that not understanding a certain concept and falling behind can be a huge issue. Although that is my biggest fear about this class, I am sure we will be successful as long as we utilize our resources and ask questions when we are lost. Good luck to you with the rest of the semester!

  2. Learning HTML take some time, but there are great resources that can help. Be sure to really read about Mrs. Yollis's third grade class and their experience with HTML.
