Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post 11

What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?

In the video Back to the Future the students watched a hot air balloon take off, the movement, and landing, then Mr. Crosby had the students write a story about them being the hot air balloon. The students posted their stories and pictures on their blogs in a story format. Having these students become the hot air balloon helped them to learn about the air currents and the students had fun creating their stories. Mr. Crosby is teaching his students to write, share, tell stories, articulate orally, getting feedback, and connecting globally to other people.

Watching Teaching Digital Citizen by Sam Pain, students learned that using the internet they need to be respectful, responsible, and not to give out personal information.  Mr. Pain had the students create a superhero to convey being a good digital citizen.  Students created a comic strip using pictures of themselves, their superheros, and a situation of not being a good digital citizen.  In these comics the superhero would tell the students what not to do.  The students seemed to enjoy doing this project and it helped them learn what to do and not to do on the internet.

By watching  Blended Learning Cycle I learned that Mr. Anderson introduces the subject with a driving question, which gains the students interest.  Then he has the students investigate the question and elaborate on it.  Next the students discuss any questions they have with Mr. Anderson.  Finally the students can take a quiz until they understand the subject.  By having blended learning the students can research the material on their own, watch classroom videos, and speak to the professor.  This gives the students extra learning material instead of just lectures.  And watching Roosevelt Elementary's PBL program I learned that project based learning gives the students in-depth learning, integrated thematic instruction, real world problems, and teaches them to research and present their presentations. These teaching methods help the students to learn in-depth information and the students enjoy the accomplishments after completing them. Teachers now have to instruct the students how to use the media and equipment for learning. If the students need help the teachers are their to guide them through any problems they have, which includes acdemic questions. Teachers and students are teaching each other new and exciting information everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that student and teachers are teaching each other an it is very exciting! Great post!
